Thursday 26 September 2019

Super Scientists!

Year 2 are grading materials according to their properties. They looks at a range of materials and took turns handling the material before finally selecting on their 'grade scales' where they felt the materials were best placed.

We looked at smooth to rough.

They took turns as the lead for each group and passed the materials around sensibly.

They voted as a group as to where the materials were best placed.

Bendy to stiff

Opaque to transparent and finally soft to hard.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Off to a mathematical flying start!

Year 2 have dived into their first maths lesson! They were looking at place value and how to create 2 digit numbers using concrete apparatus. Some children made it to 3 digit numbers. Well done!

They used Base 10

They matched words with numbers and pictures.

                                        They identified missing numbers from a 100 Square.

They counted in a range of multiples using stacking counters.

They usen mini abacus to help them.

Place value counters were very popular.

And Numicon really got them thinking.

Well done Shabir!

Super work Omid!

Another form of abacus...or doughnuts as my class called them.

Pace value cards.

They all took turns using the equipment and a great time was had by all. Well done year2!!